Microbe Formulas:MitoRestore, BioMolecular Oxygen, Tudca plus,MF2,Kidney and Liver Detox Biotox,MetChem ,Bioactive Minerals Review

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Mito Restore:

Launched 1 year ago, Mito Restore is one of the more expensive supplements to take in the Microbe formula range. Recently, there is a $20 discount coming in at $80 for a 56 day supply, but I would start small with as little as one drop. I just heard Dr. Watts speak about this tonight, and he stated people who have sensitivity to the Mito Restore have lots of radioactive elements (which are in lots of water supply) in their system. It is not everyone, but it can make you tired if you do. All that to say the best thing to do is start out slow with 3-5 drops, and if that doesn’t bother you, you can increase to the recommended dose pretty quickly. When you get to those doses, you will love it. Great product. Mito Restore is formulated to encourage healthy mitochondrial function and ATP (energy) production. By supporting cellular energy levels, Mito Restore aids detoxification to facilitate your health protocols. It also promotes normal cellular renewal and aids mitochondria in their role of immune system support. In regards to parasite cleanses with parasites excreting a lot of toxins and heavy metals that can wear out the mitochondria, it’s therefore a useful addition to take to replenish the energy of your mitochondria. 

The key here is to make sure you get lymphs moving to collect all this trash and unclog your liver to be able to handle the toxic load as you titrate up on Mito Restore.

Even though you benefit from a higher dose of Mito, you may need to restrain to just a few drops in the beginning as all the pathways get adjusted.

Tip: oxygen tends to magnify the Mito benefits in some people, but needs to be titrated up carefully.


Mito Restore is pricey, coming in at $100 for a 56 day supply, and with people in the UK, we should expect that fee to rise to a tax included $120, but I believe it’s really helped me ease the detox systems of parasite cleanses so still worth the money nonetheless in my opinion. In order to still get the most out of life and not to be constantly fatigued, Mito Restore is a vital edition. For those on a big budget, though, it may be worth it to see how you react to MF1 and mimosa pudica. First and foremost, if you’re getting a load of flare ups and detox symptoms, then you really should consider the additional investment. 

To buy: https://microbeformulas.com/products/mitorestore

BioMolecular Oxygen 

Pricing: $52 Dollars 

As it’s the “Multi Tool” of supplements, you can use BioMolecular Oxygen orally or topically. Plus, you can use it as a nebuliser with distilled water, sinus rinse, nasal spray, and coffee enema. The oxygen is stabilized using a proprietary process, so it can be delivered throughout your body without dissipating. It supports energy production, normal oxygenation of tissues, and a healthy microbiome. Also it’s good to use topically on parts of the skin that are experiencing flare ups. 

Uses for BioMolecular Oxygen (taken from the Microbe Formulas Facebook Group) :

Add 10 drops to your coffee enema solution

Use on bruises, burns, or swollen areas

Use on muscles before or after a workout

Apply to gums after dental work

Can apply after the Bioactive Carbon Minerals, Mitorestore, or essential oils to be a “driver” and get more effectiveness out of your products

Apply to warts

Apply to sunburns

Put in your non toxic face toner

Combine with MitoRestore and apply to skin tags

Some people report taking additional shots of oxygen, mito,and minerals can ward off anxiety attacks

Nebulize a few drops in an ounce of distilled water to help sinuses, brain fog, or alertness. (do not do too late in the day, it may affect sleep)

Apply to cold sores

Rub undiluted on carotid arteries for energy, alertness, anxiety

Put 10-20 drops in a bath before bed for better sleep

Put a few drops into distilled water and use as a nasal spray

Put a few drops into your neti pot rinse (warning: this has been described as “hornets in the brain” BUT also reported to be of tremendous benefit for those dealing with sinus issues, mold, brain fog, allergies)

Take to support the body during a fast

Can be consumed in water, smoothies, juice, starting at 5-10 drops 10-20 drops after. Useful for people who’ve had exposure to mold. 

When and What Stacks to Use

I believe this stacks well with the MitoRestore, which I use when I’m experiencing die off symptoms. Usually I’ll take Mf1 + Mimosa Pudica and then stack MitoRestore. BioMolecular Oxygen goes well with this stack.  


$52 for 59 days of servings 

To buy: https://microbeformulas.com/collections/products/products/biomolecular-oxygen

Bioactive Carbon Minerals: 

BioActive Carbon Minerals – Dr. Jockers Store

Pricing: $45 plus tax for 120 day supply:  Containing a stack of  71 plant derived minerals and 14 amino acids perfect for replenishing your body, especially if you’re using sauna to detox during your cleanses. 

The heart of BioActive Carbon Minerals is the naturally occurring, highly refined and natural extracts of Fulvic Acid. This means ultra small-sized and ultra-low-molecular-weight 100% organically complex nano-sized negatively charged ionic molecules which can penetrate human tissue and blood cells easily. Because of these unique properties, this supplement is highly bioactive and can provide numerous biochemical and metabolic detoxification functions.

In addition to containing over 69 naturally occurring, plant-derived trace element minerals, it contains twelve amino acids in an unaltered ionic solution. It is the most rare and valuable of all humic substances known to man.

I’ve personally been using BioActive Carbon Minerals for two years now and found it to be an extremely versatile supplement to take. It can be used as part of an enema or combined with bio tox to make a paste to apply to your face and skin. In addition to this, it can be used as a spray on areas of pain or discomfort and taken to support the body during a fast as a lot of those on Keto diets especially are low on electrolytes.  All in all, this is a fantastic addition to any cleanse. 

Great to stack with: MF1 and Mimosa Pudica, any parasite cleanse, stacks very well with sauna as it will replenish your lost electrolytes. Also helps with those starting the heavy metal detox with BioActive MetChem. 

Pricing :$44 for a 122 Supply 

To buy: https://microbeformulas.com/collections/products/products/bioactive-carbon-minerals

Bioactive MetChem: 

BioActive Carbon MetChem by Microbe Formulas | Amaluna Wellness

Before embarking on a heavy metals detox, it’s advised that you first detox parasites. MetChem should really be done after you feel that you’ve gotten rid of as many parasites as possible. This is the one with by far the most intensive reactions, so please consult the Microbe Formulas Facebook group for additional advice for partaking on a detox with MetChem: 

  • Spend at least 6-12 months detoxing using sauna. 
  •  Make sure you spend 3-6 months working on drainage pathways. The Microbe Formulas Kidney and Liver Detox blend is great for this. 
  • Make sure you spend 6 months at the very least cleaning up parasites first as they can bind and absorb heavy metals. 
  • Support with the Core 4: Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and a good quality magnesium supplement to help with that detox. 
  • Get your bowels moving regularly with TUDCA supplementation beforehand : TUDCA , Mito and Minerals are a great stack together.
  • Stack with InflammaCalm by Microbe Formulas 

A BioActive Carbon MetChem Binds 

Binds and restores so the molecules that go in bind on the chemical pesticides and help to move them out into the kidneys and the liver. They then restore the tissues with the organic materials and restore the tissue and cellular tissues.  

Normally start with 1 capsule once a day, but really I’d go very low with this as MetChem is extremely strong. 

Start low and slow and take with Biotox Binder to mop up the toxins since Mito pushes the cells to detox. Stay at the same dose for 5 days and increase if feeling good. 

Pricing: $71 for 120 day supply 

To buy: https://microbeformulas.com/collections/products/products/bioactive-carbon-metchem


Great to have an hour before you start any cleanse, Biotactive Carbon BioTox is different from older clay or charcoal binders. Their binding ability comes from microporosity that provides surface area that is unheard of with old, spent carbon binders. The BioActive Carbon molecules provide an additional ability to bind and repair that spent carbons don’t have. BioActive Carbon BioTox contains long, medium, and short-chain carbons which act in different ways, depending on where they are in the system. It contains polyelectrolytes, polysaccharides, amino acids and organic acids, and supports cellular energy production. The formulation also includes wild crafted yucca root along with extracts of fulvic acid which is designed to target specific biotoxins like mycotoxins from mold and ammonia as well as bacteria, parasites, and other byproducts from yeast, fungi, and viruses. 

Price: $70 for 90 servings (3 a day) so a month supply 

Stacks: Best taken one hour before any other supplement that kills Candida or Worms in order to reduce those die off symptoms. 

To buy: https://microbeformulas.com/collections/products/products/bioactive-carbon-biotox

Kidney and Liver Detox 


Not the most unique product of theirs but still pretty good; great to open up the drainage pathways. Many people, when they start off a parasite cleanse, get swollen lymphs because when the parasites die, they release toxins that clog up their kidney and liver. All in all a great quality product but can be sourced cheaper in the UK. Buying milk thistle and marshmallow root should be easily obtainable in most online health stores. 

To stack: 

  • Take one hour before taking MF1 and Mimosa Pudica 

Kidney and Liver Detox comes in at $52, which is pricey but comes with the BioActive Carbon that stops the supplements from being dissolved in your gut, making them a lot more effective. All in all, if you have the cash and are suffering from detox symptoms, it’s something I’d definitely consider purchasing to make things a little bit smoother.

Stacks with : Good to use in the months before a cleanse with MF1 and Mimosa Pudica 

Pricing: $52 for a one Month Supply 

To buy: https://microbeformulas.com/collections/products/products/kidney-liver-detox

Microbe Formulas MF2: 

This is the first liquid formed parasite cleansing product that Microbe Formulas have released. Typically we associate supplements like black wormwood to be in liquid form but Microbe Formulas went for the powdered extract to begin with. Because it’s a tincture, it works a lot quicker than the powdered forms. They recently added BioMolecular Oxygen changes the pH to make the herbs work faster and changes the environment to be more aerobic, which makes the immune system function better. Because it’s a tincture, it can be dosed very low for children especially for adults who can be oversensitive to some parasitic herbs. 

The holy basil helps to protect your internal organs and boosts your immune response, andworm seed helps destroy parasites and aid the liver. Out of all the anti-parasitic tinctures on the market in the UK, none of them has such a well-rounded stack. The liquid tincture can help attack parasites around the body and comes with a lot more flexibility as opposed to the pill form. Also many people find pills difficult to swallow and the MF1 pill stack may be overpowering for children to use. Overall, this is probably my favourite anti-parasitic stack, which really helped me to expel large rope worms and left me with a far greater sense of wellbeing after my cleanse. 


Pairs great with Mimosa Pudica as a potent parasite killer, recommended to take in conjunction with Biotox, and the Kidney and Liver Detox to help deal with die off symptoms. 

Pricing : $41 for a 47 day supply (Can vary depending on how your body deals with the product) 

To buy https://microbeformulas.com/collections/products/products/formula-2


Has been a supplement that has gained some recognition in the biohacking sphere and Microbe Formulas themselves have launched their own stacked with melatonin (which won’t make you tired in this case but will help increase its absorption). It can help at all three stages of the Detoxification process in Phase 1 with the Oxidation of Toxins, in Phase 2 with the Activation of Enzymes process and in stage three with the transfer of toxins out of the liver via the bile. 

Pricing : $75 Dollars for 90 Day serving, it’s the priciest supplement out of them all, but this is a unique Tudica stack that is primarily for the deep detoxes. I really recommend it. 

To buy : https://microbeformulas.com/collections/products/products/tudca-plus

From Microbe Formulas Customer Service:

Phase 1:

Breakfast time – 1 capsule of Intestinal Mover, 1 capsule of Kidney & Liver Detox, 1 capsule of Lymphatic Detox, and 1 capsule of BioActive Carbon Foundation.

Lunch time – 1 capsule of BioActive Carbon Foundation.

Dinner time – 1 capsule of Intestinal Mover, 1 capsule of Kidney & Liver Detox, 1 capsule of Lymphatic Detox, and 1 capsule of BioActive Carbon Foundation.

Phase 2:

1 hour before breakfast time – 2 capsules of Mimosa Pudica and 2 capsules of Formula 1.

Breakfast time – 1 capsule of Intestinal Mover, 1 capsule of Kidney & Liver Detox, 1 capsule of Lymphatic Detox, 1 capsule of BioActive Carbon BioTox, and 1 capsule of BioActive Carbon Foundation.

Lunch time – 1 capsule of BioActive Carbon Foundation and 1 capsule of BioActive Carbon BioTox.

1 hour before dinner time – 2 capsules of Mimosa Pudica and 2 capsules of Formula 1.

Dinner time – 1 capsule of Intestinal Mover, 1 capsule of Kidney & Liver Detox, 1 capsule of Lymphatic Detox, 1 capsule of BioActive Carbon BioTox, and 1 capsule of BioActive Carbon Foundation.

Phase 3:

Breakfast time – 1 capsule of Intestinal Mover, 1 capsule of Kidney & Liver Detox, 1 capsule of Lymphatic Detox, 1 capsule of BioActive Carbon MetChem, and 1 capsule of BioActive Carbon Foundation.

Lunch time – 1 capsule of BioActive Carbon Foundation.

Dinner time – 1 capsule of Intestinal Mover, 1 capsule of Kidney & Liver Detox, 1 capsule of Lymphatic Detox, 1 capsule of BioActive Carbon MetChem, and 1 capsule of BioActive Carbon Foundation.

Future Information:

To buy: Microbeformulas.com

Parasite Cleanse Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1455869871357350

Microbe Formulas Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/131496624269261

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